Two events will allow all ILLS 2017 delegates to meet and exchange during the congress. 


Welcome Reception Cocktail on Wednesday, the 5th of July

The Welcome Cocktail will take place at La Maison de la Chimie - salle 8.

28 rue Saint Dominique 75007 Paris

Time : 5th of July - 7pm to 8pm

Included for all registered participants


Gala Dinner on Friday, the 7th of July

Don't miss out the dinner cruise on the River Seine. By night, on the Paquebot, discover the river banks and monuments of Paris. 

Time : 7th of July - 8pm to midnight

Venue : Yacht de Paris Ouest - Port de Javel Haut 75015 Paris

Registration : 95€ - places are limited, please register as soon as possible.



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